Friday, 26 December 2014

17-year-old boy arrested for raping teenage girl in her mother’s bed

Dustin James Vidrine 
A teenage boy of Louisiana, was arrested for forcing himself onto a younger girl.

17-year-old Dustin James Vidrine has been arrested and charged with forcible rape of the 15-year-old girl.

According to the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office, the teen girl said that she and some friends had a party at her home.

hen everyone left, she went to sleep in her mother’s bed. When she awoke, she found 17-year-old Dustin James Vidrine in the bed.

Vidrine said that he wanted to have sex with her, but she tried to get away from him. He then grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the bed.

She told deputies that she tried to escape, but was unable to break from his grip. She claims that Vidrine sexually assaulted her even though she repeatedly told him no.

When he was done raping her, the victim locked himself in the bathroom and called for help.

Vidrine told deputies that earlier that day, the girl said she would have sex with him after the party. He admitted to deputies that the girl said no several times, but he continued.

Vidrine was arrested and accused of rape by force. He was booked in the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison, where he is being held in lieu of a $75,000 bond.

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