We gathered authoritatively that the first son of the Rector, Tobi Sogbaike, impregnated an HND 1 student of Accounting in the Department of Accounting, and has so far taken her in as his wife to avoid the public shame, with the support of the Rector, after the girl’s parents threatened war. Few days to the semester exam, the girl gave birth in the hospital, which Tobi made arrangement for exams to be administered to her in the hospital. Lecturers were assigned to the hospital for the purpose of the exam, but our findings prove that Tobi took over and rather wrote the exams for her.
We also gathered that, the second son of the Rector, Segun Sogbaike, slept with a co-lecturer’s wife who happens to be weekend programme student . Our findings shows that, the victim’s husband is currently separated from his wife as a result of the amorous relationship committed by the Rector’s son.
The complicity of the management of Oghara Polytechnic in the scandal was their refusal to issue Tobi a query for gross misconduct neither was any form of punishment meted to him for his action. The Oghara Polytechnic management also refused to discipline Segun Sogbaike for having a public amorous affair with his colleague’s wife.
Our ongoing investigation on Oghara Polytechnic has exposed Dr.Jacobs Ighere, who is the Director of Weekend Programme, and happens to be the cousin of the Rector, Mrs.Clara, has also impregnated an HND1 student. Secret Reporters findings also shows that, this scandal has been hidden until our eagle eyed Reporter got hold on the scandal.
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